We offer a wide range of services catering to the needs of the owner managed business and individuals.
Audit and Assurance
External Audits
Independent Reviews
Factual Findings Reports
Internal Audits
Internal Control Design
Financial Statements
- Companies
- Close Corporations
- Trusts
- Partnerships
- Sole Proprietors
Monthly Processing of Accounting Records
Bi-Monthly VAT Processing (Including VAT 201 Submissions)
Payroll Administration (Including EMP201 Submissions)
Taxation Services
Provisional Tax
Income Tax
- Tax Planning and Advisory
Corporate Secretarial Services
Formation of Companies
Maintaining of Statutory Records and Registers
Attending to Changes in Statutory Records
Completion and Submission of Annual Returns
Estate Plans & Administration
Estate Planning
Drafting of Wills
Administration of Deceased Estates
Business Valuation
For Sale and Purchase
Deceased Estates
Capital Gains Tax